Week 140: Bactrian Coins, Hindu Heritage Month, Congressional Briefing
08/20/2022 - Modern Hindu Content
Welcome to Eternal Path! This week we highlight: Bactrian Coins, Hindu Heritage Month action initiative, a Congressional Briefing, and an Aesthetic!
History Highlight: Bactrian Coins
Source Tweet. We highlighted the Bactrian region previously in our deep dive on Indo-Greek Kingdoms in Week 20!
Action Highlight: Hindu Heritage Month
Hindu American Foundation (HAF) recently sent out an email noting that October is Hindu Heritage Month! This is a great opportunity to ask our elected leaders to recognize October as Hindu American Awareness and Appreciation Month (HAAAM), part of the larger Hindu Heritage Month (HHM) campaign
Below please find an email template and draft resolution to submit the request to your respective city and county councils.
HAAAM/HHM Resources
Event Highlight: Congressional Briefing
CoHNA is hosting a briefing Thursday, August 25, at 1:30 PM PST || 4:30 PM EST featuring Dr. Joe Finkelstein (Director, Network Contagion Research Institute), John Farmer (Former NJ State Attorney General & Director, Miller Center at Rutgers University), and Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA).
This briefing will focus on understanding the Hinduphobia which still exists to this day in our community and our very own educational system.
The derogatory prejudices faced by Hindus at Rutgers University will be highlighted as well as the true scope and depth of such a problem.
Pre-registration is a MUST to attend. Register today at www.cohna.org/event