Week 192: Hatchling Syndrome, Indian influence on Rome and Greece
08/20/2023 - Modern Hindu Content
Welcome to Eternal Path! This week we feature highlights on Hatchling syndrome, Indian influence on Greece and Rome, and an aesthetic!
Rhetoric Highlight: Hatchling Syndrome and how to counter it
Via (@samyak128). This concept of “hatchling syndrome”, where people outrage over things and draw conclusions devoid of historical, political, and economic context. Many of our readers who are in college/young professional spaces might notice that people they interact with, sometimes including people with Hindu names, spewing Western propaganda and atrocity literature against Hindus uncritically.
See an example of “hatchling syndrome” in action:
So how does the Hindu community counter this? Remember that no one that is non-Hindu actually cares to hear 30 minutes of wailing and context. Snippet-tier outrage merits snippet-tier retorts. If your retort can’t fit on a bumper sticker it is likely to be ineffective.
Ok, so maybe the way in which one should retort should make sense. But is there a concrete example? Take the Assamese Muslims whining about “oppression” in the video. A quick an easy retort is “these people whine while stealing tribal lands and beating up vaccine workers” or “these people whine while engaging in terrorism and environmental destruction”. This provides the seeds of the context, while also providing a rhetorical attack on forces that spread lies about Hindus.
So next time you read some dumb instagram infographic, New York Times article, “Dalit” whiner, etc spewing bile on Hinduism, figure out how to succinctly counter-attack. In that way you can slowly actually move people towards a proper understanding of context and reduce future instances of “hatchling syndrome”.
History Highlight: Ind-Greek and Roman exchange
Via Citti Media