Welcome to Eternal Path Musings, a weekly newsletter for the modern and curious Hindu, featuring highlights around religious texts, practice, history, politics, people, and ways to better our engagement and personal progress.
This issue features: Instagram resources and an aesthetic.
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Resource Highlight: Instagram
Instagram recently has had an influx of pages which teach about Hinduism, Hindu issues, and Hindu philosophy. You’ve probably seen us feature some of them on the weekly aesthetic section and here are some of our favorites. Even if you personally don’t use Instagram, the younger generation does, so encouraging your children, congregants, and students to follow these pages can be helpful for passive education.
https://www.instagram.com/trueindologyin - True Indology has a fantastic twitter page which we featured earlier, but is becoming more active on IG as well.
https://www.instagram.com/worldwide.hindutemples/ - Dedicated to the beauty and grandeur that are our Hindu temples.
https://www.instagram.com/resanskrit/ - Posts on Sanskrit words and phrases, providing translations for easy learning and review
https://www.instagram.com/govardhanmath/ - Also featured on a previous issue, its nice to see a famous sampradaya using technology in this manner
https://www.instagram.com/upword_/ - One of our first features, with sleek and modern video content often touching important sociopolitical issues
https://www.instagram.com/hinduamerican/ - Hindu American Foundation’s page where you can keep apprised of their events, advocacy, and progress
https://www.instagram.com/vedicfeed/ - Dedicated largely to Hindu aesthetics